Recruiting ER staff

ER is a brand with the concept of "ER connecting people through something that inspires someone" and the desire to have people enjoy fashion regardless of age or gender.


We are looking for sales staff for the POP UP event to be held in August.
I love ER and I love fashion.
We are looking for members to help make the pop-up store a success.

Job type : POP UP event sales staff

Employment status : Part-time

Job description : Sales and customer service

Salary : 1200 yen/hour (travel expenses provided: 1000 yen/day)

Date : August 29th to September 1st

Working hours : Within 8 hours

Work location : Somewhere in Tokyo. Details of the location will be provided during the interview.


Preferential treatment :

・Sales experience

・Those who can work all days

・People who like and are good at posting on Instagram

・Those who are interested in fashion and makeup

・People who like to talk to others


[How to apply]

・Resume (photo required, please also include your Instagram account name)

Please fill out your resume, attach it as a PDF file and send it to the address below.

 ※Application deadline is June 30th※


After the first document screening, we will contact successful applicants.
After that, we plan to have an interview in Tokyo.

The interview date is scheduled for July 20th.

*If you have any questions regarding recruitment,
Please contact us via the ER ONLINE STORE Contact page.